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tv   ABC 7 News at 600  ABC  October 31, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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we begin our sandy aftermath coverage live in frederick maryland. >> frederick county has been really hard hit by sandy. one of the problems has been flooding. this is the monocacy river. parks were flooded, the historic mill got wet, and a lot of people are without power as well. we met some who say they are lucky to be alive. somehow, sandy found this tiny mountain ridge they gave no shelter. along the stretch of road, hundreds of trees are down. >> we see a lot of storms appear, but this is the worst for sure. >> tim his wife, and his children were all home on monday when the winds began to roar. >> when we heard that boom, that is nothing you want to hear. this is what we saw. it was pretty bad. >> the treat landed right on his
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bed just an hour or so before he and his wife planned to go to bed. down the lane, terry was hoping she and her house would survive as well. >> all we could hear was cracking and thumping and the house shaking. the tops of the trees hit. one in the front and one along the front corner. >> then came the rain. all the creeks in this valley drain into the monocacy river. two men who decided to challenge the river, it became a life-and-death situation. this viewer-submitted video shows the dramatic rescue after their raft capsized. both men are safe tonight, and in vermont -- in thurmont tim is planning to rebuild. dam it could have been a lot worse. it is extraordinary. it really is. -- >> it could have been a lot worse.
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>> still tonight, many thousands of people are in the dark. one bit of bright news is the flooding is going down. we have been watching the river and it is receding rapidly. >> thanks very much. local power crews are working hard to get power back on to all customers. dominion in virginia has the most people without power -- almost 8000 -- but the number is dramatically lower than the more than 100,000 during the height of the storm. about 400 customers with pepco are still out of power, we're told. >> power companies had help from out of state utility crews, but some were victims of copper wire thieves. crews parked at the ramada plaza on sunday night in preparation for the storm. monday morning, the crews reported copper wire had been stolen from their truck.
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no word how much was taken but officials say the thieves got away with a loss. -- with a lot. >> we go live to alexandria where there is still the potential for high water. >> the potomac is behind me, and it is where it should be, but there are some concerns. last night it overflowed. a lot of nail biting for businesses like this hoping stuff like this metal contraption and the sand bags would hold. for the most part, they did but they had to prepare. they took a lot of things like these wine bottles upstairs to make sure floodwaters could not get to it. fortunately, in the end, they did not need to do that, they said, but check out what it looked like last night. some say this is the worst flooding they have seen since the hurricane in 2003, which was much worse, but still, as i said, pretty bad. you can see tonight things are returning to normal. we have seen a lot of folks coming out wanting to celebrate
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halloween. there is actually a starbucks behind me right here that folks have been going in and out of all right. it had to shut down yesterday, but fortunately, it has been able to reopen, even though the waters came right up to it yesterday. things are returning to normal, but there are three more high tides they are concerned about. 1 tonight, and the one they are really concerned about this tomorrow morning, and then one tomorrow night. that said, that of the worst will be over and they are not concerned about any more flooding -- that said, they hope the worst will be over. >> the aftermath of sandy forcing the evacuation of another new york city hospital tonight. about 500 patients are being moved out of the facility because workers are in the process of pumping 17 million gallons from the basement of the hospital. speaking of flooding, although some subway stations in new york look like this, officials say
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limited self-service should start again tomorrow. the mayor of seaside heights new jersey, called the damage to his city catastrophic. two peers have been swallowed up by the ocean, and the entrance to the community is under water -- two piers have been swallowed up by the ocean. stay with abc 7 news and for the latest on sandy's aftermath and send us your damage pictures. >> the hunt is on in virginia tonight for a man accused of throwing pipe bombs at three stafford county homes. his targets -- a stafford county detective and a deputy. the sheriff's office along with state and federal agencies say laurence stewart tossed the first pipe bomb around 7:00 yesterday morning, and the second half an hour later. while there was some damage to some of the homes, nobody was
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hurt. police say the 25-year-old man is armed dangerous, and possibly carrying explosives. >> a 15-year-old girl in maryland is dead tonight. she was killed on her way to school. she was hit by a car while crossing germantown road and was. drive, steps away from seneca valley high school. police say the 10th grader was not on a crosswalk and the driver of the vehicle had a green light. they spoke with christina's mother, who believes the driver may not have seen her daughter. >> it was dark, and she had on all black. the car, i guess may be they did not see her. >> friends say they will remember her unique fashion sense and told us cristina wanted to become a pediatrician. >> coming up, the president takes a tour of the destruction in new jersey today, but any time out of the political truce of hurricane sandy did not last long. >> come to you from your weather
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center, a forecast for your trigger trading, look ahead to [ mitt romney ] there are two very different paths the country can take. one is a path represented by the president, which, at the end of four years, it'd mean we'd have $20 trillion in debt. i'll get people back to work ith 12 million new jobs. not by cutting the progm but by getting them goojobs. i'll work with you. i'll lead you in an open and honest wayo make sure that we all together maintain america as the hope of the earth. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message.
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>> there were long lines at the polls. marilyn's governor as you can see, voted this morning in baltimore -- maryland's governor. early voting was supposed to end
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tomorrow in maryland, but polls will be open on friday as well in virginia. in-person absentee voting will continue through the weekend. >> presidential campaigns have taken on a different tone in the wake of hurricane center. >> president obama spend the day touring the damage of center with one of his political opponents now one his allies. >> the campaigns as you know have been walking a fine line. when is it too early to truly politick again and where? the focus is split, especially when a catastrophe brings otherwise political enemies together. in what would otherwise be an unlikely pairing, president obama and governor chris christie teamed up today putting politics aside and disaster first. >> we are here for you, and we will not forget. we will follow up to make sure that you get all the help that you need until you have rebuilt.
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>> chris christie, a strong supporter of mitt romney, has continued to stress this is no time for something. >> we would like to argue with each other about other stuff but first, we have to argue about this. >> it was decided a presidential appearance could actually hinder recovery efforts, so hours earlier, the president stopped at fema headquarters in d.c. for a briefing. while away from the damage, in florida, mitt romney also appeared with a heavy hitter -- jeb bush. >> imagine a leader like mitt romney that will restore confidence in this country. i imagine each and every day and that is why i'm campaigning as hard as i can for the guy. >> we come together in times like this, and we want to make sure they have a speedy and quick recovery. >> but the niceties did not last for long on either side. with six days left and polls so tight, the ugly side of politics
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quickly surfaced. >> the facts are that romney will say anything -- anything -- to win. >> there was also some concern that the department of labour would not get monthly jobs numbers out on friday morning. it turns out now they will, and that the play a big part of this race -- will unemployment states under 8%, as it is now, or move in a direction that could affect any undecided voters? >> of course, today is halloween. while many local neighborhoods will still have a lot of trick- or-treaters, the white house porch light will be off. because of superstore sandy, president obama and the first lady will not be handing out candy to students and military children as they have in the past few years -- because of super storm sandy. >> still ahead, snow is still falling in some areas. doug is back with the weather.
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>> lebron james turns up the heat, and the redskins find themselves at the crossroads of the season. we will look at which way they will go.
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[ earnest ] out of the blue one day we were told to build a 30-foot stage. gathered the guys and we built that 30-foot stage not knowing what it was for. just days later all three shifts were told to assemble in the warehouse. a group of people walked out on that stage and told us that the plant is now closed and all of you are fired... i looked b both ways i looked at the crowd, and...we
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all just lost our jobs. we don't have an income. mitt romney made over 100 million dollars by shutting down our plant and devastated our lives. turns out that when we built that stage it was like building my own coffin and it just made me sick. [ male announcerer ] prrities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> you like snow? go west and south. it is still snowing in higher elevations of most places. some areas saw more than two feet of snow. the most snow recorded so far has been in tennessee -- 34 inches. >> wow. >> beautiful, isn't it? and far away from us. >> that is pretty crazy for october. >> trick or treat! mild days and nights weather before winter sets in, but to remind you clearly, winter is just around the corner. a little time lapse for you in frederick county, maryland. the despot's with sunshine. it looked promising for a while, but then the clouds rolled back in.
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-- these are the spots with sunshine. clouds rolled in just before sunset. 52 was the temperature recorded in newington. chilly temperatures -- upper 30's, low 40's will be the range again tomorrow morning. 55, that was it. the official high at reagan national. 64 and 46 are the averages, so these numbers are well below where they should be for high temperatures this time of year. this is all in direct influence to the circulation pattern from what once was sandy now located over new york state. it will drift east, and that will be that, but even the area outside the influence of the circulation is still kind of cool, so the bottom line is it will be awhile before we see temperatures back to average levels. these levels -- this is the departure from the high
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temperature. the high today was nine degrees cooler than average. for us, it was -- nine degrees cooler than average for us. 22 degrees cooler than average in charleston. this is satellite and radar, and here in the western syracuse area is the circulation center. that will lift up and eventually will pull in more and more dry air. that is where we will get more sunshine for the next few days. our computer model gives you a rough idea of cloud cover precipitation possibilities for 48 hours out. we will see the possibility of more snow showers in the mountains. generally cloudy skies with areas of sunshine becoming more numerous, and i think you will be good to go. quick word on the flooding situation -- i am very concerned about a high tide tonight. there could be flooding in alexandria on the waterfront tonight. we will keep an eye along the potomac river as we have about 12 hours to go before that flood will diminish as well.
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in the meantime, here's how we look late tonight -- partly cloudy, 46. 40 in the morning. for the next several days, it will be nice -- autumnal. temperatures in the 50's, cloudy skies, and do not forget to turn the clock back one hour saturday night before you go to bed. >> what is going on with the redskins this week? >> there's a lot going on. you saw what happened to d'angelo hall, who has to meet with the commissioner after his melt them with that referee. the redskins find themselves at the crossroads of the season. the players went back to work today, and they all seem to understand this is a must game against the carolina panthers, a team with a 1-6 record and floundering. meanwhile, the players were all business at the park today. >> the redskins know they cannot
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drop the ball against carolina, literally, as the offense let go of 10 passes last week. >> we know it will not be all peaches and cream. when you are not your best, that is when you play. now we get to go back to the drawing board. >> they did that a practice today, donning throwback jerseys for the team's anniversary -- for the team's anniversary. but come sunday, it is not about how they look, but how they play. the head coach called this week's game against the panthers a must-win game. >> you definitely do not want to go in feeling yourself slipping away for the season. >> if history has taught the redskins anything, it is not take carolina lightly. >> they are out there playing their hearts and souls out. they are playing for their jobs
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right now, and that is what it comes down to. they are going to give their best effort, and we have got to be able to respond to it. >> thanks. the redskins are the early favorites. the wizards open their season last night in cleveland against the cavaliers and played pretty well, you gave way to experience -- but youth gave way to experience. washington gets its first lead, 76-74. down the stretch, the cavaliers were too much, and display showcases it. irving to thompson, a game, set match. cavaliers beat the wizards 94- 84. let's go to miami where the heat got their championship rings before they turn the heat up on the celtics. watch how this works. first, they get the block defensively in the transition. lebron james finishes the play goes down the late -- lane.
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for baseball fans congratulations go out to the nationals first baseman for winning his first career gold glove. meanwhile, the world series celebration continues in san francisco. tens of thousands of fans dressed in orange and black cheering on the giants. a wild halloween party that has been going on ever since san fran swept the tigers. a halloween treat may even sweeter since the giants did the same thing back in 2010 when they won the title. breaking news tonight -- because of sandy, the d.c. united playoff series will start at rfk stadium instead of new york. game two they will try to play in new york. again, game 1 will be here in d.c. instead of in new york.
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anncr: which do you believe? what mitt romney's tv ads say about women? or what mitt romney himself says? mitt romney: do i believe the supreme court... should oveverturn roe v. wade? yes. and it would be my preference
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that they, that they... reverse roe v. wade. hopefully reverse roe v. wade. overturn roe v. wade. planned parenthood, we're going to get rid of that. i'll cut off funding to planned parenthood. anncr: no matter what mitt romney's ads say. we know what he'll do. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message. we had a good group of people. gorood group of employees out there. this was a booming place. and mitt romney and bain capital turned it in to a junk yard. i was suddenly, 60 years old. i had no health care.
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mainly i was thinking about my family. how am i going to take care of my family. he promised us the same things he's promising the une ed states. and he'll give you the same thing he gave us. nothing. anncr: priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> cloudy skies, cool temperatures falling into the mid-40's. first seven days of november, partly cloudy, dry in the 50's. fall back one hour. turn your clocks back saturday night. election day weather looks great. >> all right, thank you very much. >> have a great night. enjoy it, trick-or-treaters
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[ earnest ] out of the blue one day we were told to build a 30-foot stage. gathered the guys and we built that 30-foot stage not knowing what it was for. just days later all three shifts were told to assemble inin the warehouse. a group of people walked out on that stage and told us that the plant is now closed and all of you are fired... i looked both ways i looked at the crowd, and...we all jt lost our jobs. we don't have an income. mitt romney made over 100 million dollars by shutting down our plant and devastated our lives. turns out that when we built that stage it was like building my own coffin and it just made me sick. [ male announcer ] prrities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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[ minto ] you know, those ads saying mitt romney would ban all abortions and contraception seemed a bit extreme. so i looked into it. turns out, romney doesn't oppose contraception at all. in fact, he thinks abortion should be an option in cases of rape, incest, or to save a mother's life. this issue's important to me but i'm more concerned about the debt


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